The intervention to hold down the currency was undoubtedly a problem for China as well as for the unbalanced world economy. 通过干预来压低汇率不仅是不平衡的世界经济的问题,无疑也是中国的问题。
China has maintained this undervaluation with massive intervention in currency markets. 通过大量干预外汇市场,中国维持着这种低估局面。
However, the bank said the region's robust recovery from the global financial crisis could be put at risk by widespread intervention in the currency markets by countries seeking to maintain or improve export competitiveness. 然而,亚开行表示,亚洲发展中国家为了保持或提高出口竞争力,对外汇市场进行广泛干预,此举可能危及该地区从全球金融危机中的强劲复苏。
While he stopped short of threatening Japanese intervention in the currency markets, Mr Fukuda said: Speculative movements need to be kept in check. 福田康夫几乎要发出日本政府干预外汇市场的威胁,他表示:投机活动要有所收敛。
Sterilisation – the sale of domestic securities to mop up the excess liquidity generated by official intervention in foreign currency markets – is not merely feasible, but even highly profitable, if one is prepared to ignore the risk of a large ultimate capital loss. 冲销即通过发售国内票据,消除官方干预外汇市场产生的多余流动资金,这不仅仅是可行的,甚至还极为有利可图&如果愿意忽视最终遭受巨额资本损失的风险。
Hong Kong's bold stock market intervention in 1998 made mincemeat of speculators trying to break the currency peg, and there is little doubt it would move with similar speed if required again. 香港在1998年采取的大胆干预措施,彻底击溃了试图摧毁香港联系汇率制的投机者。毫无疑问,如果需要,港府还会以同样的速度采取行动。
Fixing the dollar would be undesirable even were it possible but sharp, co-ordinated intervention could make selling the US currency less of a one-way bet. 固定美元利率即便存在可能,也会不受欢迎,但是,大力协同干预将会降低美元遭遇单边抛售的可能性。
Intervention currency: currency used by central bank for official intervention in the foreign exchange market. 干预货币:中央银行用来对外汇市场进行正式干预的货币。
Most governments used foreign exchange for exchange market intervention to prevent large swings in the value of their currency. 大多数政府利用外汇对外汇市场进行干预,以阻止本国货币汇率的大幅波动。
However, Mr Levin, who has spent decades fighting on behalf of the US auto industry against alleged currency manipulation by countries such as Japan, said the proposed measures would apply only to direct intervention in currency markets by governments. 不过,几十年来一直代表美国汽车业对抗日本等涉嫌操纵汇率的国家的莱文表示,拟议中的措施将仅针对政府直接干预汇市的行为。
China is rattling the bars of a cage of its own making, since the reserves are a consequence of colossal intervention to stop its currency appreciating. 中国正在自建的笼子里把栏杆抓得嘎嘎响,因为该国庞大的储备正是大肆干预外汇市场、以阻止本币升值的后果。
Asian central banks have been trying to help by stepping up market intervention in an attempt to restrain currency appreciation. 亚洲各国央行一直在增加市场干预,以抑制货币升值,从而为这些企业提供帮助。
Prolonged stalemates could trigger the filing of a WTO dispute settlement case and spark consideration of remedial intervention in currency markets to correct the misalignment. 久拖的僵局会促使我们提请世贸组织解决争端,并鼓励我们考虑对外汇市场进行补救性干预,以修正失调现象。
Reserves are a key indicator of central bank intervention in the currency market because they reflect how much foreign exchange it has purchased in order to stabilise the renminbi. 外汇储备是衡量央行对汇市干预的一个关键指标,因为该数据反映出央行为了稳定人民币汇率而购买了多少外汇。
Under the condition of the civil war and Japanese armed intervention, the Far East currency was circulated in utter disorder. 在国内战争和日本武装干涉的条件下,远东的货币流通十分混乱。
Aside from China, whose intervention is one of the main causes of the global currency battle, several big economies have been intervening for some time. 中国对汇市的干预是全球汇率争斗的主要起因之一。但除了中国以外,还有数个大型经济体也一直在干预汇市。
The Treasury would also have to "consult" with the Federal Reserve and other central banks about "remedial intervention in currency markets". 美国财政部还将必须与美联储(federalreserve)和其它国家央行就“在外汇市场上采取补救性干预”进行“磋商”。
If intervention or open market operations control currency appreciation, the ensuing domestic monetary easing feeds an asset bubble in these economies. 如果外汇干预或公开市场操作控制住了本币的升值,那么由此引发的国内货币宽松局面就将助长这些经济体的资产泡沫。
The lesson for policymakers therefore is that co-ordinated intervention can work in the currency markets but it needs to be consistent with changes in interest rates globally. 因此,决策者应该吸取的教训是,联手干预在外汇市场是行得通的,但它需要与全球利率的变动保持一致。
On the other, fighting appreciation through partially sterilised intervention in currency markets is a recipe for more inflation, which eventually leads to real appreciation. 另一方面,部分新兴市场通过在外汇市场的冲销式干预来遏制货币升值,这是加剧通胀的处方,最终将导致真正的升值。
Starting from some heavy intervention in the currency markets and sudden rises of overnight rates implemented through state banks, the central bank then moved on to discipline the mutual fund sector. 首先是大力干预外汇市场,突然通过政府所有银行推高隔夜拆款利率,随后,台湾央行决定规范共同基金领域。
This pressure would be directed against China, which is running a current-account surplus of more than 7 per cent of GDP, in spite of being a net recipient of substantial long-term capital inflows, and is also engaged in huge intervention aimed at keeping its currency down. 这种压力将直指中国。尽管中国是大量长期资本流入的净接受国,但其经常账户盈余已超过GDP的7%,而且中国正进行大规模干预以压低币值。
Noda said the intervention was taken to contain "excessive" movements in the currency market. 野田彦说,采取干预措施的目的是遏制货币市场的过度波动。
This is, however, a world of persistently unbalanced trade and investment flows, in which intervention to limit currency appreciation has been tolerated for too long. 然而,这是一个贸易流和投资流一直都不平衡的世界在这个世界中,限制本币升值的干预行为已被容忍了很长时间。
The policy mix that has produced this outcome, including massive intervention to restrain the currency's rise, has its own risks. 但带来这一结果的各种政策&包括为抑制人民币升值而进行的大规模干预在内,自身都蕴含着风险。
Senate leaders are close to finalising legislation that they hope will lead to a reversal of long-standing US policy of opposing intervention in currency markets, according to people familiar with the matter. 知情人士表示,美国参议院领袖即将敲定一项立法提案,他们希望这项立法将逆转美国长期以来反对干预外汇市场的政策。
Furthermore, systemic research is pursued on negative effects brought by banking crisis such as economic decline, policy intervention and currency instability. 其次,对银行危机所带来的经济紧缩效应、政策干扰效应、通货不稳定效应进行了深入研究。
Chinese banks are working toward enhancing their financial strength by implementing more structured risk management strategies in order to prepare for exchange rate changes and related foreign exchange market intervention using Foreign Currency Reserve, and by actively attracting foreign financial capital. 中国银行业为了确保财务健全性而强化投入保有外汇额度,为应对人民币汇率变动而加强风险管理,并为改善银行管理结构积极引进外国金融资本。
The strict definition of foreign exchange intervention is that the central bank poses its influence on domestic currency to reach the expected goal by means of trading currencies. 外汇市场干预,严格意义上解释为:中央银行在外汇市场通过买卖外汇,影响本币汇率,达到本国的汇率目标。